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Buy Stock Footage

Find the perfect stock footage for your next project.

Our Stock Footage Library Can Help You Unlock Your Creativity.

Produce your best work by using our extensive 4k and above stock footage library. Offering a range of photos, videos, and audio. We are confident that you will find what you are looking for in our extensive library.

Our library includes aerial, underwater, and land-based footage. We have a range of time-lapse, macro, over-under, and many other genres of footage for you to browse.

Dedicated Website

For better browsing and buying experience, we have set up a dedicated website for our stock footage library.

Examples of some of our footage that might be utilized are moving images of cities and landmarks, wildlife in their natural environments, and historical footage.

If you can not find the clips you need, we are available for production shoots to capture exactly what you need.

Talk to us about your unique film requirements.

Our stock footage website is currently under construction.

Gates STO NASA NBL LightPost Media & Training